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Jem was one of the founders of the Association of Psychosocial Studies. Formerly a sociologist at the University of the West of England and Pro-VC. Now, and for some time, a psychotherapist and member of Severnside Institute for Psychotherapy, the British Psychoanalytic Council and the College of Psychoanalysts. Occasionally teaching...
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I am a 3rd year mental health nursing student with an interest in the history of mental illness and its role in society, in particular the meaning of “hysteria” and the concept of personality disorder. I have also completed degrees in philosophy in which my focus was on the ontology...
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Jim Parris has successfully worked for many years in the world of music and has also collaborated in spoken word, dance, theatre and outdoor arts. In 2021 Jim was awarded a Ph D from the School of Social Work, Community and Care at the University of Central Lancashire for his...
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Joanna Fortune is an accredited psychotherapist specialising in the parent-child relationship. She is the author of 4 best-selling books (15-Minute Parenting 0-7 years; 8-12 years; Teenage years and Why We Play). She is the host of the 15-Minute parenting podcast. She founded the Solamh Parent Child Relationship Clinic in Dublin...
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John is a group psychotherapist and independent researcher and a founder member of the Association for Psychosocial Studies. He lives in Brixton in South London and works for the most part in the National Health Service, where he is Consultant Adult Forensic Psychotherapist at Bethlem Royal Hospital and Principal Adult...
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I am course director of the MPhil in Psychoanalytic Studies and Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at Trinity College Dublin. I have trained as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and clinical psychologist. I have previously held the role of course director of the MSc in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at Trinity College Dublin, in...
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Julian Manley's research is focussed on the use of advanced psychosocial group methods such as social dreaming, theorised from a Deleuzian perspective and applied to situations of social and affective complexity such as climate change and community wealth building.
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COSCA qualified relational psychodynamic psychotherapist and qualitative researcher at the University of Edinburgh.
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Currently, I'm a PhD student researching shame, trauma and compulsive sexual behaiour in adult men. The research is being conducted using psychosocial research methods. I'm also a psychosexual therpaist in private practice. It is this clinical experience that has lead me to my research area, but also psychosocial methods of...
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Lizaveta is an Associate Lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London, and a Research Officer in the FREEPSY Project at the University of Essex.
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Dr. Stroud’s PhD research at the University of Aberdeen focused on analysing Real Life magazines through a psychosocial lens, drawing on her extensive experience as a journalist working on national newspapers and Real Life magazines. Her research highlights the neoliberal agenda embedded in the production and consumption of these magazines,...
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Luis Jimenez, MD, MSc. DipPsy, PhD Research Director/ Senior Lecturer/ UEL/School of Psychology/ BSc[Hons] counselling Executive Board/ Association of Psychosocial Studies UK Editorial Board/ Journal of Psychosocial Studies International Erich Fromm Society British Sociological Association British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences/ The Open University
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Lynn Froggett is Professor Emeritus of Psychosocial Studies at the University of Central Lancashire. Over the last twenty years she has led a succession of research programmes concerned with the ‘uses’ of art and the nature of aesthetic experience in settings as diverse as health, social care, criminal justice, education,...
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My private practice has been running for 17 years, where I see patients primarily for long term therapy, offering psychoanalytic therapy incorporating contemporary concepts of being and identity, emerging out of Freudian theories. My focus is interconnected between the intra and inter-psychic agencies that are at play within the intimate,...
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Marilyn Charles, PhD, ABPP is a psychologist and psychoanalyst at the Austen Riggs Center; Co-Chair, Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society (APCS); and Scholar of the British Psychoanalytic Council. Affiliations include Chicago Center for Psychoanalysis; Universidad de Monterrey; Harvard Medical School. Books include: Patterns; Constructing Realities; Learning from...
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I am a Lecturer in Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex, as well as co-director, alongside Dr Jordan Osserman, of the BA in Psychoanalytic and Psychosocial Studies. I teach and write about psychoanalysis, colonialism, 'race' and racism. I have published articles and chapters on Frantz Fanon, Octave...
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I am a counselling psychologist, based in Malta. I'm a senior lecturer at the University of Malta, teaching within the Psychology and Counselling departments. I'm also in private practice. Over the last few years, I have developed an interest in society, politics, and group analysis.
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Dr. Martin Lüdemann holds an MA in Organisational Analysis from the University of East London and is a graduate of the Psychology Diploma Programme (industrial and organizational psychology) of the University of Darmstadt, Germany. He has been working as a psychologist and supervisor for 30 years. He consults, supports and...
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Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist Group Analyst Group Supervisor Sociology and Theology Visual Artist
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Matthew Rich-Tolsma is a South African and Dutch organisational consultant, mediator, and teacher. He works with senior leaders and boards in a wide range of global organisations, in addition to strategy consulting this work has often entailed team building and adaptations of reflective practice. Matthew is also involved in leading...
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I am a practising relationally-oriented psychotherapist and creative supervisor with a research PhD that used auto-fiction as a means to explore contemporary life and practice. My work sits wholeheartedly within the creative-relational space that has been finding form at the Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry at University of Edinburgh. I am...
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I started my PhD in October 2023 at the University of Essex, and my research project is "A psychoanalytic perspective on the role of cultural objects in Iranian immigrants’ integration." Understanding the process of immigration from a psychoanalytic perspective could anchor me in the unknown world of a new country....
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I am a PhD researcher with the University of Ulster Belfast and my project is a a psychosocial analysis of cultural public landscapes and their unconscious role in conflict transformation and identity navigation in Northern Ireland.
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I am Nikita Jain, and I work as an assistant professor of psychology at Christ University Delhi NCR Campus, India. I am trained in 'The Vygotskian Tradition', and I work in the area of Educational Psychology. I look at how the ontogenetic history of teachers' lived world lays materiality for...
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Dr Noreen Giffney is a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and a psychosocial theorist. She is the author of the book, ‘The Culture-Breast in Psychoanalysis: Cultural Experiences and the Clinic’ (Routledge 2021), and the author and/or editor of a number of articles and books on psychoanalysis, psychosocial studies, and gender and sexuality studies....
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Currently a retired social worker but busy involved in writing 2 manuscripts on race and racism issues with hope of publishing the books in the near future.
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Psychologist, Director of the Else-Frenkel-Brunswik Institute and the Centre of Excellence for Research on Right-Wing Extremism and Democracy, both at the University of Leipzig. Chair of Social Psychology and Intercultural Practice at Sigmund Freud University Berlin. Together with Elmar Brähler, he is responsible for the Leipzig Authoritarianism Studies on right-wing...
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Peter Redman has worked in the Sociology Department at the Open University for over 25 years. He has a background in cultural studies and is a former editor of 'Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society' and the Palgrave 'Studies in the Psychosocial' series.
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I'm a relational psychodynamic psychotherapist (regd. MBACP) and a qualitative researcher based in Edinburgh, UK.
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Rebecca Hutten is an independent researcher and Associate Lecturer, in Psychology and Social Sciences, at The Open University. She trained as a social anthropologist and worked as a policy analyst in Central Government before joining the University of Sheffield as Research Fellow in applied psychological therapies to work on the...
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Roger Willoughby is an independent psychoanalytic scholar currently writing on the development of psychoanalysis in Britain, the works of Esther Bick, and Jonathan Hanaghan, and the links between religion and violence. With degrees in philosophy, child psychology, and clinical psychology, he also holds doctorates in psychoanalytic studies from the Universities...
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I'm a PhD researcher in Psychoanalysis and Culture at Ulster University, School of Communication and Media. My PhD project aims at understanding cinema and television spectatorship based on relational psychoanalytic concepts with a special focus on repetitive spectatorship and the experience of being moved in our moving image experiences.
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Shona is Reader and Research Degrees Director in the Carnegie School of Education at Leeds Beckett University. She is a member of the Centre for Race Education and Decoloniality and the founder of WhiteSpaces. Her scholarship covers welfare politics and governance, state practices, identities and the broader material-cultural-affective politics through...
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Have worked in Public Health for 17 years and recently completed a PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University using an ethnographic psycho-social method to understand how volunteering affects psychological wellbeing in the contexts of health inequalities.
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Sophie Savage is an Associate Lecturer in Sociology working at the University of the West of England. Sophie is a disabled academic, and psycho-social researcher with an interest in Disability Rights, Post Humanism and Autoethnography.
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Stephen Frosh is Professor in the Department of Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck, University of London. He has a background in academic and clinical psychology and was Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Vice Dean at the Tavistock Clinic, London, in the 1990s. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences,...
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Tanya is an HCPC registered and BPS Chartered Counselling Psychologist. She is also an Associate Fellow of the BPS, an Executive Committee member of the Division of Counselling Psychology and a BPS Senior Practitioner Specialising in Psychotherapy. Tanya has had 13 years of clinical and managerial experience at the Priory...
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Dr Thi Gammon is a Research Associate with King’s College London’s Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries. She has a PhD in Media Studies from the Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand) and a master’s degree in Global Media from the University of Westminster. Prior to her academic career,...
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I am a counselling psychologist working in the NHS. My background in therapeutic community work oriented me towards attending to the role of power in psychological therapy practice. This, and my involvement in service user led initiatives, motivated me to research user involvement in NHS mental health services, using psychosocial...
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Tom Fielder is a PhD researcher in Psychosocial Studies at Birkbeck. His doctoral research engages Brexit and psychoanalysis to think through the subjective dimension of contemporary politics. He has published academic articles in History of the Human Sciences and the Journal of Psychosocial Studies.
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Studied Modern History at Magdalen College Oxford; Sociology at the LSE; and Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University. Lectured at Enfield College of Technology/Middlesex University. Current focus: 'psychosocietal within eco-geopolitical studies in general and biographic-narrative (BNIM) interviewing in particular. Favourite thinkers: Gramsci and Ogden. Currently writing update of 2001 textbook.