Lynn Froggett
Bio :
Lynn Froggett is Professor Emeritus of Psychosocial Studies at the University of Central Lancashire. Over the last twenty years she has led a succession of research programmes concerned with the ‘uses’ of art and the nature of aesthetic experience in settings as diverse as health, social care, criminal justice, education, communities, and museums. Her research trajectory has led her to develop arts sensitive and social science methodologies which respond to sensory, affective and discursive registers of experience. Her current work focuses on the interface between art and technology, the nature and value of immersive experience, the Future of Ageing and the value of dance in neuro-degenerative conditions such as Parkinsons Disease. She is commissioning co-editor for a Policy Press series: Advances in Biographical Methods. Lynn is one of the founders of the Association for Psychosocial Studies (APS) and continues to develop the field as APS Chair. She is also a Founding Scholar of the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) and of the International Research Group for Psycho-Societal Analysis (IRGfP). She is Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster and Visiting Professorial Fellow at the University of New South Wales. Her Research Gate profile documents many of her publications: researchgate.net/profile/Lynn-Froggett