Candida Yates
Bio :
Candida Yates is Professor of Culture and Communication at Bournemouth University; she applies a psychosocial approach to culture, politics and society and has published widely in that field. She works with academics, clinicians, creatives and cultural organisations to create new understandings of emotion and affect in the public sphere. At BU she teaches on the Political Masters Programmes and supervises doctoral students and is Co-Director of the BU Centre for the Study of Conflict, Emotion and Social Justice. She sits on the Exec Board of APS, is a Founding Scholar of the British Psychoanalytic Council, and is an Academic Research Associate of the Freud Museum. She is Joint-Editor of the Routledge book series: Psychoanalysis and Popular Culture, and is a Contributing Editor on the journals Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, and The Journal of Psychosocial Studies.