A symposium to celebrate the launch of The Association for Psychosocial Studies Friday 13 June 2014 10.30am - 6.30pm at The British Library Conference Centre St Pancras, London with talks, responses and contributions from a wide range of psychosocial thinkers, practitioners and researchers including: John Adlam (NHS), Caroline Bainbridge (Roehampton), Karl Figlio (Essex), Stephen Frosh (Birkbeck), …


1st  Annual Conference of the Association for Psychosocial Studies 16-17 December 2014 hosted by the Psychosocial Research Unit, University of Central Lancashire Preston PR12HE MORE INFORMATION and CALL FOR PAPERS TO FOLLOW Abstract Submission deadline will be 1-07-2014

Narcissism and Destructive Leadership

The Foundry

The idea that there are ‘narcissistic’ individuals who can wreak havoc when in positions of leadership and power has been receiving considerable public attention. Stories from  political arenas,  corporate boardrooms and public organisations tell of the damage done by particularly destructive individuals who gain positions of power. Superficially at least, the fit between the clinical …

Reasons to be cheerful or manic hope? Thoughts on the general election

    Tuesday 4 July, 6-8pm - The Tavistock Centre, Belsize Lane, NW3   A roundtable discussion organised by the Tavistock Clinic Policy Seminar, the Association for Psychosocial Studies, and the BSA’s Sociology Psychoanalysis and Psychosocial Study Group. The result of the recent general election took many of us by surprise. Labour’s unexpected surge in the polls …

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Association for Psychosocial Studies. All members and interested parties welcome.   Friday 15th December, 4.00->6.00pm   Committee Room 3; 30 Bedford Way (Institute of Education/UCL) London WC1H 0AL.

Annual Conference: ‘Psychosocial Reflections on a Half Century of Cultural Revolution’

University of Bournemouth

Venue: University of Bournemouth Date:  5th-7th April 2018 Call for papers Deadline: 22nd January 2018 Send your abstract of 250–300 words to: *Due to popular demand, we have added a new open stream for those who wish to submit proposals for papers, panels or artistic presentations on: “Current and Future Directions in Psychosocial Studies” ‘Psychosocial …