George Dake: Map-making as a Psycho-social method: The Everyday lives and lived experiences of men who sell sex to other men

Psychosocial Interventions: Aesthetic Analysis in Practice and Theory An Event Series by APS and the Department of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths Psychosocial Studies is a transdisciplinary form of academic scholarship that …

Violence of Politics and Politics of Violence

1.264 Usha Kasera Lecture Theatre, Old College South Bridge Edinburgh EH8 9YL 1.264 Usha Kasera Lecture Theatre, Old College South Bridge Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

DECOLONISING COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY - REFLECTIONS FROM PSYCHOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVES This public-facing seminar series challenges Eurocentric perspectives in traditional therapy and develop politically progressive, decolonial alternatives in line with University- and sector-wide decolonisation efforts. It examines the psychosocial …